Backlog Roulette


A regularly occurring event - the Backlog Roulette adds a bit of chance and excitement (or pain) to picking out what game we each play next.

We each choose a game from our own backlog that we hope to play. Then we each also choose a game for the other two to play from each of their backlogs. Thus, we each end up with three possibilities to take up our gaming attention until the next episode is recorded.  With a roll of the digital dice, we let the fates decide what's in store for us.  Other than that, there are no rules: if we hate each other that week, we can suggest the worst game we can think of; if we're feeling generous, then we might choose a classic that anyone would enjoy.

On some weeks we may decide to employ a group roulette, wherein we choose a game for all of us to play and then discuss on a future episode.

(Josh: I will make Elliot play Silent Hill if it's the last thing I ever do.)

(Josh: Update: I said I was gonna do it!)


Episode 33: Do all the Crimes

Josh Undertale
Elliot Titanfall 2
Stevo Ratchet & Clank
Winner Undertale

Episode 32: Chrono (Heart)Break

Josh Beyond: Two Souls
Elliot Titanfall 2
Stevo Ratchet & Clank
Winner Beyond: Two Souls

Episode 29: Emotional Juices

Josh Beyond: Two Souls
Elliot Titanfall 2
Stevo Tacoma
Winner Tacoma

Episode 27: Happy Belated

Josh Beyond: Two Souls
Elliot Rime
Stevo Oxenfree
Winner Oxenfree

Episode 25: The Most Terrible Game

Josh Borderlands 2
Elliot Rime
Stevo Oxenfree
Winner Borderlands 2

23: Broken in Some Way

Josh Cuphead
Elliot Rime
Stevo Oxenfree
Winner Cuphead

Episode 20: I’m a Weiner

Josh Cuphead
Elliot Rime
Stevo Observer
Winner Observer

Episode 18: What Remains of Metal Gear

Josh Cuphead
Elliot Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Stevo Observer
Winner Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Episode 10: Rabid Mario

Josh Beyond Good & Evil Limbo Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Winner: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Elliot Silent Hill Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Undertale Gears of War Winner: Silent Hill
Stevo Donkey Kong Country Mirror's Edge Soma Winner: Donkey Kong Country

Episode 6: Self-Inflicted Wounds

Josh NiGHTS: Into Dreams Resident Evil 5 Wolfenstein: The New Order Winner: Wolfenstein: The New Order
Elliot Mega Man Legends Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Wolfenstein: The New Order Winner: Wolfenstein: The New Order
Stevo System Shock 2 Virginia Bayonetta 2 Winner: Virginia
Group The Stanley Parable Her Story Spec Ops: The Line Winner: Spec Ops: The Line

Episode 4: Big Box of Fun

Josh Assassin's Creed God of War Mass Effect Winner: Assassin's Creed
Elliot Valiant Hearts Metroid Fusion To the Moon Winner: To the Moon
Stevo Bastion Arkham Origins Half-Life 2 Winner: Bastion

Episode 2: A Little Bit of Schadenfreude

Josh Ori and the Blind Forest Arkham Asylum DOOM (2016) Winner: DOOM
Elliot Silent Hill Ratchet & Clank The Last of Us Winner: The Last of Us
Stevo Chrono Trigger Darksiders Undertale Winner: Chrono Trigger
