Rather Be Playing: E3 Special


E3 has come and gone and left us all with tastes in our mouths.  Some bitter, some oh-so-sweet.  We had a ton of fun watching each of the conferences and reading about the games on the show floor. The future looks bright (even though our podcast is firmly rooted in the past)! Join us as we break down each of the conferences and what their hosts had to offer. What stood out? What looked promising? What looked like BS? We agree and disagree on just about everything along the way, but come together to crown the conference king in a unanimous vote. Can you guess who it is? I can’t and I was in the episode! That’s how exciting it was. It’s all E3 this week and we’ve got a lot to cover, so we’re going to run long!

Since this is a special episode, we’ll be right back next week with the proper airdate of Episode 4. So that’s three episodes, three weeks in a row! Feeling spoiled? I hope so because it’s killing us! We’re only human. In the meantime, Elliot seems to have an axe to grind against Microsoft, Josh likes Devolver a little too much, and Stevo is quite the rapscallion!

Topics Discussed:

  • Electronic Entertainment Expo 2017



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